In two weeks, on April 23, my new album called "Claustrophobic Universe" will be released, and it is my great pleasure to reveal the first sounds from this album today.
"Claustrophobic Universe" will be available on my Bandcamp, on digital platforms and streaming services... as well as on cassette tapes. There will be nine tracks, 42 minutes of music.
The album will be the second instalment of the "Lockdown Trilogy", the first part of which was "Lockdown Spaces", released in June last year. It will be about going into space, which is a metaphor for our escape from reality. It will also tell a story about our adaptation to live a life in confinement, in a sense of danger, about habituation to information noise. It will also be about going into space, which is a metaphor for our escape from reality.
I recorded all the sounds myself on various kinds of small synthesisers, samplers, and portable drum machines. I registered it, as usual, in Serakos Studio in Warsaw. I hope that you will enjoy this combination of micro and macrocosm.
More info soon!