Anno Domini High Definition - New details and the studio report!

26 January 2009
Riverside is working on the new album - "Anno Domini High Definition". The band has already begun recording, this time in Studio X in Olsztyn. We keep you up-to-date with the process of creation on a special "record" website -

Mariusz Duda: "We have gone from Warsaw, we have changed the studio and the producer. We care deeply about creating a coherent record and that is why most probably there are only going to be 5 songs on it. The material will be energetic, multifarious, and - I hope so - very good for live performances. It will be a story about liquid modernity, life in a constant hurry, stress and anxiety about the future. A picture of our times in 1920 x 1080 definition."

The expected release date is June 2009.

More details soon...